Elkhorn Area Fire Department members take advantage of practicing a variety of hands-on training techniques during a controlled burn of the West Side Professional Building on West Walworth Street the morning of Feb. 16. The building, which contained a variety of offices including a former dental practice, had been […]
Sports & Other News
Program allows UW-Whitewater students to help taxpayers
Qualifying taxpayers are invited to receive free preparation and electronic filing of their 2019 federal and state income tax returns at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance clinic. This IRS-sponsored program is available for low- and moderate-income taxpayers, and no appointments are needed. Clinic hours are from 10 […]
Whitewater wrestlers stamp tickets to sectional
By Kevin Cunningham Correspondent All that remains for high school wrestling teams is postseason action. Whitewater High School competed in a WIAA regional held in Evansville on Feb. 15. To qualify for sectionals, individuals had to finish in the top two of their weight class, or a team could qualify […]
WIAA rule bumps wrestlers to Division 1
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent A long-standing WIAA enrollment rule forced Big Foot/Williams Bay and Delavan-Darien wrestlers to compete in Division 1 instead of Division 2 in the WIAA postseason that began on Feb. 15. Big Foot/Williams Bay has the smallest enrollment in the division; Delavan-Darien, the second smallest. The […]
Church youth present special program
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Walworth has what Rebecca Roehl describes as an excellent education program for children and adults. On Feb. 2, the people attending the service were treated to a children’s program that the leaders and children worked on as part of their Wednesday night education classes. The […]
Habitat seeks construction volunteers
Habitat for Humanity in Walworth County is seeking to add depth to its construction team both in planning and on the job site. A variety of volunteers are needed including the following: Construction Committee members – to manage the construction process, customize the home design, solicit bids, mobilize volunteers and […]
Time for flapjacks
Kiwanis will host annual fundraiser in Whitewater on March 7 The Kiwanis Whitewater Breakfast Club will serve its annual all-you-can-eat pancake, sausage, coffee, milk and orange juice meal from 6:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 7, at the Old Armory, 146 W. North St. in downtown Whitewater. The […]
Future of Yerkes to be discussed Feb. 25
Though few details are known at this time, a public meeting later this month is expected to include an update on future plans for Yerkes Observatory. The meeting, which will be held at Williams Bay High School on Tuesday, Feb. 25, is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. It’s been […]
Honored for volunteering
At the Wisconsin Association of Fairs Convention last month, the Walworth County Historical Society was presented the Volunteer Group Appreciation Award. On hand to accept the award on behalf of the WCHS are Eileen Sheahan, Jim Boardman and Lisa Brellenthin. The criteria for the award includes that it go […]
Resident responds to DDSD about finances
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent Resident Andy Terpstra responded to recent comments made by Delavan-Darien School District Business Administrator Anthony Klein at last week’s school board meeting. On Jan. 27, Klein had responded to a letter to the editor Terpstra had previously submitted to the Enterprise. In that letter, Terpstra […]