Bids to be sought for Elkhorn park shelter

By Kellen Olshefski

The City of Elkhorn Common Council voted in favor of seeking bids for a 1,440 square-foot shelter for Babe Mann Park with contractors along with pricing for a larger, 1,920 square-foot shelter as an alternative.

Bill Henry of Kehoe-Henry and Associates previously provided the council with estimates for the construction of two options for shelters at the park, a 1,440 square-foot shelter that would fit within the City’s $350,000 budget for the shelter and a 1,920 square-foot shelter that would cost about $438,000.

The process included looking at similar shelters around the area, including the Lion’s Den at Sunset Park, the shelter at Booth Lake Memorial Park in East Troy and Wilson Farm Meats’ new shelter. Henry recommended an open shelter like the new shelter in Burlington with a concession and restroom complex like the Lake Geneva School District athletic complex shelter.

Henry said with that type of design, he believes a 1,440 square-foot shelter could be built for about $206,000 and a 1,920 square-foot shelter could be completed for about $267,000.

      Read more on the discussion, and decision, in the Feb. 20 Elkhorn Independent.

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