Of the 148 photographs representing the work of 44 photographers, most of the awards for the eighth annual Fran Achen Photography Competition have been announced. “The Fran Achen Photography Competition and show was a great success,” said Jeff McDonald, chair of the show and member of the Whitewater Arts Alliance […]
News from the Whitewater area
Bugsy Malone Jr. now showing
By Tom Ganser Correspondent The Whitewater Unified School District’s Summer School Playhouse production will open this week for the public. The production, “Bugsy Malone Jr.,” opened on Thursday in the Whitewater High School Auditorium. Additional performances will be on July 14 at 7 p.m. and July 15 at 2 p.m., […]
Grocery co-op effort picking up steam this year
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Efforts toward bringing a cooperative-type grocery store to Whitewater are picking up steam, organizers announced recently. Lacey Reichwald is one of six members serving on a steering committee that has gone into the nuts and bolts of bringing a co-op to the city at a time […]
Locals volunteer at U.S. Open
By Ryan Spoehr SLN staff With Wisconsin’s first PGA U.S. Open just up the road from Whitewater, a couple men from the area had roles in one of the biggest sporting events of the year. Whitewater School District Superintendent Mark Elworthy and local insurance agent Ron Binning each took part […]
District names new high school principal
By Ryan Spoehr SLN staff The vacancy of leading the ship at Whitewater High School has been filled with someone with nearly two decades worth of experience in education. Mike Lovenberg, who had been associate principal at Wisconsin Dells Middle School, will step into the principal role at the High […]
Time of east gateway sculpture announced
Downtown Whitewater has announced that two new public art pieces have been installed to welcome people into the city on Whitewater’s east side. The two pieces, “Ascent and Bloom” by Richard Tayler of Milwaukee, were made possible via a donation from Fort Community Credit Union. The sculptures will be dedicated […]
Library to host program on Smith Allen, Starin houses
A program at the Irvin Young Memorial Library in Whitewater this Thursday will feature historical detail, and walking tours of the 1856 Smith Allen House and the 1860 J.J. Starin House. The program “Hello Building, How Old Are You?” will start in the library’s community room at 3:30 p.m. and […]
City places plan to profit from poop on backburner
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A proposal to profit from processing commercial waste has been put on the backburner in Whitewater. For years, city officials have tossed around the prospect of using a bio-digester at the wastewater treatment plant that would have the ability to process waste from outside sources, in […]
Council divided on plan to nix term limits on city panels
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A proposal to lift term limits on municipal boards, committee and commissions has been kicked over to one of the city’s committees for further analysis and a possible recommendation. Council member James Allen proposed the city consider removing the parameters that are currently in place. A […]
City sets new parameters on police K-9 handler commitment
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent As the Whitewater Police Department looks to add another four-footed member to its force, city officials have placed new parameters around his or her handler. Three years ago, WPD ventured into new territory when it brought on Boomer, a specially trained Black Labrador. Boomer officially […]