Sports & Other News


Students will ‘moose’ Mr. K

Principal retires after more than 42 years at Lakeland School By Vicky Wedig Staff Writer Mr. K has left the building. After 42 ½ years at Lakeland School in Elkhorn, Greg Kostechka, of Delavan, retired Friday. Students celebrated Mr. K’s re“tie”rement with an assembly in the gym riddled with puns […]


Deer Advisory Council to meet March 14

The Walworth County Deer Advisory Council will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, at People’s Bank of Elkhorn, 837 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. The council will discuss preliminary antlerless quota recommendations, permit levels and season structure options for the 2017 deer hunting season. The public is encouraged to […]


Palmyra Town Board accepts land

Special meeting held to ‘expedite the process’ By Ryan Spoehr Editor The Palmyra Town Board held a special meeting late last week to accept a land donation from Carol Calkins, the widow of former Town Chairman Stewart Calkins. Accepting the land could create further expansion of the Palmyra Municipal Airport […]

East Troy

Round two

Village Board members debate insurance issue, again By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Several East Troy Village Board members took turns making verbal jabs at each other during the March 6 board meeting when they were discussing the insurance for the May 5 and 6 Sidewalk Chalk-Art Festival. With accusations of […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Farmers urged to consider risk protection

Walworth County USDA Farm Service Agency Executive Director Tom Oasen reminds producers to review available USDA crop risk protection options, including federal crop insurance and Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program coverage, before the spring-seeded crop deadline of March 15. Federal crop insurance covers crop losses from natural adversities such as […]


Aurora Lakeland a Baby Friendly facility

First hospital in the state to meet criteria earns re-designation By Heather Ruenz Staff writer Being one of about 400 hospitals in the United States to be re-designated as a Baby Friendly birth facility is a proud accomplishment for staff at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center, in Elkhorn, and was a […]