Sports & Other News


‘Putting Your Best Fork Forward’

Walworth County WIC offers reminders for National Nutrition Month March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme is “Putting Your Best Fork Forward,” a healthy reminder that every bite counts, according to a press release from the Walworth County WIC program, a special supplemental nutrition program for woman, children […]


Blending on a bicycle

    Violet Kapfer tries the cycle-powered blender at W3llfest on March 11 as Colleen Seefeld of Fort Healthcare looks on. Riding the bicycle powered the blender to make smoothies or shakes. For more coverage of W3llfest, pick up the March 16 Whitewater Register. (Tom Ganser photo)


Memory Café to meet March 23

The next Memory Café will be held 10 to 11:30 a.m., Thursday, March 23 the Peoples Bank, in the Community Room, 837 N. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn. The topic will be “Spring Flowers.” The Café is an opportunity for individuals with mild cognitive impairment and early-stage Alzheimer’s, and their care partners […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Getting chili

      At the 10th Annual Chili Dinner fundraiser March 11 at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Walworth, Robert Rauland and Tobie Steivang check out a carved cane made by Don Shunk, of Sharon. The event, in addition to a buffet meal, featured live music and a variety of […]


On the wings of kindness

Support following teen’s accident has been ‘amazing’ By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer The reason the Schweitzer family decided to share their story about a traumatic brain injury suffered by their son is twofold: one, to raise awareness about TBIs; the other, to publicly thank the countless number of people who […]