Sports & Other News


Making a difference for 50 years

Rotary Club of Elkhorn to celebrate this weekend By Heather Ruenz Staff writer There might not be any one person more ready to celebrate the Rotary Club of Elkhorn’s 50th anniversary this weekend than John Henderson, who has been with the club since Day 1. He said the club, which […]

Whitewater area

First-place form

      Whitewater’s Abby Grosinske shows off her winning form in the shot put at the April 26 Fort Invitational track meet. Grosinske also ran the anchor leg in the Whippets’ victorious 400- and 800-meter relay teams. See more Whitewater High School sports in the May 2 Register. (Bob Mischka photo)

Walworth-Fontana area

Chiefs bounce back

By Dan Truttschel Correspondent For the first time this spring, the Big Foot-Williams Bay girls soccer team experienced a bit of adversity last week. But the Chiefs certainly bounced back in a big way. Big Foot dropped its first decision of the season April 26 in a 2-1 Rock Valley […]


Team effort leads to success

EAHS cheer squad recruits football players By Cathy Kozlowicz Correspondent When members of the Elkhorn Area High School cheer team recruited some football players, senior defensive end Clayton Fuller was a little bit intrigued. He said he thought tumbling would be cool to try but honestly, he and the other […]