The Lake Geneva Middle School Counseling Department honors 143 outstanding students its May Above and Beyond Ceremony. The award is designed to showcase outstanding students, who go above and beyond everyday expectations – students who overcome challenges, exceed typical performance, display perseverance, consistently stay positive and support others are some […]
Sports & Other News
Town residents approve new fire station
Electors also support authority to issue bonds By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Town of Delavan held a public meeting at which residents approved construction of a new main fire station on land adjacent to the current station for approximately $5 million. Residents also approved giving the town the authority […]
Remembering the Legion Athletic Club
It featured amateur boxing in the stock pavilion at the fairgrounds By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer In addition to 2019 being the centennial celebration of the American Legion it’s the 100-year anniversary American of Legion Post 45 in Elkhorn. In honor of the post’s ongoing celebration, members are sharing its […]
Strut your Mutt at Price Park June 8
Bring your dogs and join members of the Walworth-Jefferson County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail on a hike on Saturday, June 8 at Price Park in Elkhorn. Meet in the parking lot by 10 a.m. for a map and choose the length of trail that you want to hike. […]
Summer of service
Badger student to travel to the Dominican Republic A summer of service in the Dominican Republic is on the horizon for Badger High School junior Melanie Soto, who has been selected as a youth ambassador with the Center for Intercultural Education and Development. Through the DREAMproject, Soto will work side […]
No longer Pease in a pod
Dylan’s graduation ends run of brothers playing together at Whitewater High School By Daniel Schoettler Sports Correspondent It has been a family affair when it comes to the high school athletic careers of Dylan and Cooper Pease. Because Dylan is a senior and graduates this Sunday, the just completed baseball […]
Man charged with selling cocaine near schools
Sale reportedly happened near Walworth Elementary School An initial appearance was scheduled for Wednesday for an Illinois man charged with selling cocaine near schools in Walworth and Delavan. Omar B. Castro Barrera, 20, of Harvard, Illinois, was charged May 13 in Walworth County Circuit Court with two counts of manufacturing […]
Model A Days to roll into Sharon
To feature time-era skits, vintage fashion show, pig roast and a swap meet Come join the Rock-Ford A’s and Historic Downtown Sharon’s Model A Day event for what’s touted as the Midwest’s largest gathering of Model A’s. “This celebration of ‘Henry’s Lady’ traditionally hosts hundreds of Model A’s in every […]
United Way gearing up for annual 5K
This year’s event will be on paved surfaces and avoid traffic By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer The United Way of Walworth County is gearing up for its 10th Annual Run United 5K and 1-mile walk/run on Saturday, June 22. The event was moved to a week later and there’s been […]
Lakefest to include car show, sock hop
It’s Lakefest time as Delavan Friends of the Park are set to host Lakefest 2019 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, June 1. The event is held at the Town of Delavan Community Park, 1220 S. Shore Dr, Delavan, and all are welcome to this free kick-off to […]