Letter: National debt a disgrace to the Greatest Generation

My parents grew up during the Great Depression and were WWII veterans.

     They were part of “The Greatest Generation.”

     “The Greatest Generation” by the grace of God, dedicated their very being to ensure our nation, our communities, and our families were safe, secure, and financially responsible.  My parents would not and did not leave us strapped with their debts when they passed on.

     We work from a budget to pay our household bills.  Those bills are our responsibility not our children’s or someone else’s.  We’ve made sure our children will not be strapped with our debts.

     Conversely, the U.S. Senate has blocked and not passed a federal budget for over three years thanks to Democrats.

     Send Tommy Thompson to the U.S. Senate to get a federal budget.

     Some estimates indicate our grandchildren will have a national debt of around $42,000 each.

     They didn’t build that!

     The Obama administration has disgraced “The Greatest Generation”   by throwing their struggles, financial courage, and heroism into Chinese banks.

     Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will cut tax rates across the board by 20 percent; eliminate taxes on capital gains, interest, and dividends for families making less than $200,000 a year.  They will eliminate the death tax, an unfair tax on our individual efforts to ensure our children’s security.

     Romney, Ryan, and Thompson will repeal the socialist government take over and control of health care.

     They will do all those things because they respect “The Greatest Generation.” Those who are part of and those who love and respect “The Greatest Generation”, please vote for Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and Tommy Thompson on Nov. 6.

Chris Goebel,


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