At-large council seat open for spring election

By Dave Fidlin


Council member Ken Kidd will not be seeking re-election as Whitewater’s upcoming spring general election looms.

Kidd, who holds an at-large seat, officially made his announcement at a Common Council meeting Dec. 15. He has served two full terms on the decision-making elected body.

By virtue of the position Kidd holds, any resident in the community can put in a bid for the open spot. Five of the seven positions on the council represent specific aldermanic districts.

The deadline for submitting candidacy papers for inclusion on the Tuesday, April 5 ballot is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5. If necessary, a primary election will be held Tuesday, Feb. 16.

In other business Dec. 15, the council:

  • Heard a report from City Manager Cameron Clapper concerning electronic recycling collection. Due to rising costs, the city will no longer accept unwanted computers, TVs, radios and other electronic equipment as of Jan. 1.

The city had been accepting unwanted electronics at the city garage.

  • Approved a plan to purchase right-of-way easements for property owners living on Boone Street and Boone Court. As part of the plan, the city will compensate impacted property owners $6,000 for the easements.

The easement acquisitions are related to reconstruction work planned for the area.

The council made its decision in open session after conferring behind closed doors with City Attorney Wally McDonell.

  • Approved a list of 62 poll works for elections in 2016 and 2017. Also approved were three residents who will serve as canvassers and four persons who will take on the roles of tabulators.

“Poll worker assignments, and reappointments, occur every two years,” City Clerk Michele Smith wrote in a memo.


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