City to review zoning, land-use processes

By Dave Fidlin


In the coming months, Whitewater officials will compare and contrast how similar-sized municipalities — many with universities based in the community — address zoning and other land-use issues.

Chris Munz-Pritchard, neighborhood services director and city planner, was directed recently by the council to investigate such technical issues as impervious surface limitations in other communities as part of a broader discussion concerning zoning.

At a Common Council meeting Aug. 18, Munz-Pritchard presented officials with a 64-page report that digs into some of the policies other communities have adopted. The council could use Munz-Pritchard’s findings as a framework for making future policy decisions.

In other recent business, the Whitewater Common Council:

  • Appointed council member Ken Kidd to serve on the Whitewater Aquatic Center board. Officials also named resident Jeremy Shane to the Urban Forestry Commission;
  • Gave the green light to proceed with several street closures for various events. Members of the Starin Park Historic Neighborhood Association were granted authority to hold a block party from 3 to 8 p.m. Sept. 26 near the corner of Franklin Street and Starin Road.

Additionally, the Greater Whitewater Committee successfully sought permission to close portions of South Elizabeth Street and Walworth Avenue for the organization’s annual Discover Whitewater Series half-marathon and 5k run from 5 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sept. 20;

  • Adopted an ordinance pertaining to parklets. The document, approved on a second reading, officially gives local restaurateurs the option of using parking stalls to accommodate outdoor seating. The city will adopt an application process, and permits will have to be obtained before any changes are made;
  • Approved a plan to upgrade and unify the phone system at all city-owned buildings. The council awarded a $74,098 contract to Brookfield-based Digicorp to oversee the transaction.

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