Local blood drive slated Nov. 19

Michael Christensen, 15, has always found a reason to be thankful, despite spending nearly his entire life battling leukemia.

Christensen was first diagnosed at age 3 and suffered two relapses. He has received countless blood and platelet transfusions throughout his treatment. This Thanksgiving season, Michael and his family have much to be thankful for. He’s out of treatment, back at school, and recently joined the South Milwaukee High School football team.

Michael’s parents, Beth and John, say their son’s ability to find the good in every situation has contributed to where he is today, healthy and happy, enjoying the life of a typical teen. But his newfound health would not be possible without gifts of blood and platelets from volunteer donors.

“We count blood donors among our many blessings,” Beth Christensen said. “Our appreciation for blood donors and BloodCenter of Wisconsin is beyond words.”

Local residents can make a positive impact on the lives of patients like Michael at n upcoming blood drive scheduled in Whitewater on Wednesday, Nov. 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Universal Electronics, 640 N. Prospect Dr.

Donors can schedule an appointment by calling (877) BE-A-HERO (232-4376) or visiting www.bdw.edu. Appointments are preferred to ensure a quick and convenient donation, but walk-in donors are also welcome.

Anyone 16 or older who is in general good health and meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to donate blood. Parental consent is required for 16-year-olds to donate. The entire process takes about an hour. Donors should bring a photo ID that includes birth date.

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