Overhaul of city’s fire and EMS agency possible

By Dave Fidlin

The Whitewater Common Council could soon begin digging into a possible overhaul of the city’s fire and emergency medical services (EMS) agency.

City Manager Cameron Clapper presented members of the Common Council with an update on the review on May 6, which is being undertaken by an appointed Fire and EMS Task Force. Officials have been meeting on several occasions in recent months.

Clapper said the task force is in the process of meeting with on-call volunteers and gathering their feedback.

“Once department volunteers have had the opportunity to consider all options and offer feedback, the task force will then provide a similar presentation to the Common Council,” Clapper said.

In other recent business, the Common Council:

• Approved a request to give Strand and Associates the authority to negotiate prices to acquire property from owners affected by an upcoming road improvement project along Milwaukee and Newcomb streets;

• Awarded a $10,343 contract to Madison-based Altronex Control Systems for upgrades to the city’s wastewater utility facility. The contract will go toward updating supervisor control and data acquisition software that is used to determine rates;

• Awarded two contracts to Green Bay-based Great Lakes TV Seal. The contracts, totaling more than $33,000, will go toward reviewing the city’s sanitary collection system. Wastewater Superintendent Tim Reel said the review is part of an effort to locate potential problems within the city’s sanitary sewer system, and;

• Awarded a contract to construction firm Velcheck and Finger for roofing projects at the municipal building and armory facility. The company will be compensated at $95 per hour for its services.

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