Community welcome to Christmas cantata

The Whitewater First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, along with members of LaGrange and Richmond UMC’s will present the cantata, “The Heart of Christmas: Embracing the passion of those who lived the story,” by Pepper Choplin.

The cantata will be presented at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 145 S. Prairie St., Whitewater. It tells the timeless story in a creative, profound way by probing the hearts of those most directly involved in St. Luke’s account of that first Christmas.

The selections represent a variety of musical styles from blues and bluegrass to the warmly melodic and chorally traditional and will include scripture-based narrative, read by Kier Johnson, Lisa Otterbacher and Eric Runez, and features soloists Barb Athas, Barb Taylor and Drew Van Norman.

Christine Hayes will direct the choir and Jim Athas will accompany on the piano. Both performances are free and open to the public.

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