Permanent privy for Pioneer Park

Village of Fontana working toward restroom structure for park

By Kellen Olshefski


In a meeting earlier this month the Village of Fontana Board of Trustees voted unanimously in favor of paying for the preliminary design of a new restroom facility at Pioneer Park.

The topic came to the board after Park Commission members proposed replacing the Porta-Potty with a permanent bathroom in the park, across from the Village of Fontana boat launch, according to preliminary minutes.

The passage of the motion made by Village Trustee Arvid Petersen approves the expenditure of $1,200 for Aspect Design, Inc., to complete an initial proposal for construction of the bathrooms in the park. They have not discussed the designs of the bathrooms as of yet, but they may go for a more traditional look with a metal toilet partition as well as other features, to make sure it is sturdy in all weathers for park-goers to use.

According to the minutes, Aspect Design, Inc., had submitted a quote for the $1,200 to prepare the preliminary drawing and construction documents required for a public building and based off other structures found in Fontana.

The minutes said the $1,200 proposal fee is broken down into three phases, the first at a cost of $200, being a design feasibility study, zoning ordinance review, building code analysis and site visit.

According to minutes, the majority of trustees agreed the entrance to the restrooms should face the lake.

Trustee Dave Prudden requested having two toilets instead of one, which according to the minutes, he said should not be difficult with pluming and electrical already being connected to the location.

As for how to fund the construction of the restrooms, the minutes said Trustee Tom Whowell said he though he could get the construction of the bathroom donated, though Trustee Rick Pappas said even if this wasn’t a possibility, it could be included in the 2016 budget and the Lakefront and Harbor Committee could assist with funding the project.

In other business, according to the minutes the board also discussed the review of regulations and penalties for short-term residential rental violations.

According to minutes, several residents have voiced concerns about short-term home rentals, which is not permitted in the majority of the Fontana zoning districts.

Trustee Tom McGreevy said he has witnessed improper behavior by individuals illegally renting a house in his neighborhood, the minutes said.

The minutes said Village Attorney Dale Thorpe recommended prosecuting the most notorious cases and publicizing them as an example to all homeowners that rent out their home. Furthermore, Zoning Administrator Ron Nyman said his department, according to the minutes, can enforce the ordinances prohibiting short-term rentals, however, they need to be made aware of the violation and he encouraged concerns be brought to his office for further review.

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