Guest speaker slated for Democratic Party meeting

The Democratic Party of Walworth County will meet on Thursday, Feb. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Elkhorn office at 15 E. Walworth Street. Matt Rothschild from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign will be the guest speaker, following the group’s regular monthly membership meeting.

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is working for a real democracy that allows the common good to prevail over narrow interests, according to a press release about the meeting. The campaign specializes in tracking the money in state politics and work for campaign finance reform and other democracy reforms.

Rothschild will address the recent court decision to redraw the state’s legislative districts by the 2018 election and will discuss how the changes will affect constituents.

Members of the Walworth Democratic Party and the public are welcome to attend the meeting. Donations of nonperishable food items are appreciated.

For more information follow the local group on Facebook at

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