County looks to up the ante with transportation for senior and disabled citizens

By Kellen Olshefski


The Walworth County Transportation Coordinating Committee voted in favor of expanding some of the county’s transportation services for seniors and disabled residents Monday, opening up transportation services to social and recreational trips.

With a little more money than anticipated left in the county’s transportation budget needed to be spent in the remainder of the year, which was later noted as about $5,000 to $10,000, County Administrator David Bretl said Walworth County Transportation Consultant Dave Lowe provided the county with a few options to expand county services in simple, yet effective ways.

Lowe shared two options with the committee Monday he said he thought could be implemented fairly easily and painlessly at this point in the year that could increase ridership by 3 percent to 5 percent.

The first option, Lowe said was to open up local transportation services for any purpose, foregoing restrictions the county currently has.

“I’m not really worried about people wanting to take this to go to the pub or things of that nature,” he said.

“But, it’s really hard for somebody to go visit a friend who’s not in a nursing home or care facility,” he noted as an example. “They just want to visit and check back and forth, things of that nature.”

While it’s not a huge market at this time, a handful of trips each month would help get the county on track budget-wise to finish the year.

Additionally, Lowe said implementing this would allow them to not only gauge its success, but also help them determine how they implement other changes with funds available slowly and gradually over time.

As a second option, Lowe said any changes the county makes regarding its transportation service is an opportunity for promotion, to get the information out to the general public.

“Just putting it out there, that hey folks, we’re here,” he said.

Walworth County Transportation Coordinating Committee Vice-Chairman Andrew Kerwin said having done an informal survey amongst care providers in the county, he learned many providers offer transportation services, provided in a very tight manner and with their own vehicles, though it can be difficult for them.

“I think to the last, every person I spoke with viewed it as it’s a challenge in their operations to make this happen,” he said.

As a result, Kerwin said all were receptive of the idea of expanded services at the county level, as well as providing escorts for residents who might need them on an as-needed basis. Additionally, Kerwin said he thinks if the county were to expand its services the county would see an increase in usage at least from the standpoint of assisted living communities and care providers in the county.

“It’s difficult to put a number to it now, but certainly transportation is being sought after and for use in different forms and functions right now and this would be very well received,” he said.

Kerwin also brought up concerns about the county’s requirement for 48-hour notice for transportation, noting under some circumstances, an individual might receive a call asking them to come in for a doctor’s appointment the following day for further tests as an example.

Lowe said he thinks under the county’s plan, there’s plenty of capacity for flexibility for these types of things, but the requirement would be more in place to avoid last minute shopping trips or lunch dates as an example.

Furthermore, Cynthia Simonsen, executive director of VIP Services, which provides transportation for the county, said the company tries to accommodate all riders and if they can fit last minute callers into the schedule, while they don’t guarantee it, they will if it’s a possibility.

Under further discussion, committee members were in agreement social and recreational trips would be limited to local travel and within the county trips. Additionally, committee members agreed medical trips would take priority over social and recreational trips by those using county transportation services.

The committee voted in favor of expanding its services to include social and recreational trips, though opted to hold off on promotion until further funds are available.

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