Town approves new buoy and raft fees

By Michael S. Hoey


The Delavan Town Board on Jan. 21 approved raising buoy and raft permit fees for Delavan Lake from $15 to $30.

The permit will still be good for three years from the date of issuance.

Administrator John Olson said buoys are often used to mark shallow water or warn boaters about structures in the water. Rafts are sometimes used in the lake for swimmers. Either structure requires a permit from the township.

Board member Kim Jedlicka suggested the permit fee ordinance be referred to the police and lake committees to see if any further changes should be made.

Purchasing policy

The board also approved a resolution amending the town’s purchasing policy. The only change to the policy is to increase the amount of spending that would require advisory services by a consultant. The policy had required that all capital expenditures of $75,000 and above would require advisory services. That requirement was raised to $100,000.

Jedlicka said a reason for the change was that it doesn’t take much any more to reach $75,000, and $100,000 seems like a more appropriate point to require hiring a consultant.

Investment coop

      The board approved joining the Wisconsin Investment Series Cooperative for the purpose of investing township funds. Olson said the WISC is a pooling of funds with other municipalities and school districts to try to achieve a better rate of return or more interest income. He said all investments are authorized by state statutes and are Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. insured. The cooperative can broker very large certificate of deposit purchases through a network of banks. There is no cost to belong to the cooperative because the banks offer higher interest rates due to the larger amounts invested and PMA Financial, which manages the funds, keeps a portion of the rate for their services.

Engineering approved

      Engineering services for 2014 road improvements in the amount of $17,700 were approved with Baxter Woodman. The engineering includes work to be done on Jackson Park Drive from North Shore Drive to its end and Briggs Road from Amos to Highway 11. Work on portions of Sutter Avenue and Grassie Place are considered alternates pending bid results.

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