Town approves ambulance

By Michael S. Hoey


The Delavan Town Board last week approved sharing the cost of a $137,699 ambulance with the Town of Delavan Rescue Squad after denying the purchase last month.

On Nov. 20, a motion to buy the vehicle for the Rescue Squad failed when no one seconded the motion. The board approved contributing $36,000 toward the purchase Dec. 18. The Rescue Squad has pledged $70,000 toward the purchase. Supervisor Barb Militello questioned the need for a new ambulance and said the existing vehicles should just be updated.

On Dec. 18, Supervisor Kim Jedlicka made two motions to approve the purchase at a lower cost to the town than was proposed Nov. 20. Jedlicka said $12,000 from the Fire and Rescue auction line item in the budget can be transferred to bring the cost to the town down to $56,000. In addition, the money made from the sale of the ambulance that will be replaced could bring the cost down to $36,000 or lower depending on what price can be attained for it.

Jedlicka’s motions were to allocate $36,000 from the capital improvement fund, $12,000 from the Fire and Rescue auction and put the money received from the sale of the old ambulance into the capital improvement fund.

The town has not had to spend any money to purchase ambulances in recent memory because the Rescue Squad has been able to raise money to cover the cost through fund raising, United Way contributions and donations. All of those funding options are down the past couple of years, however, leaving the Rescue Squad short in funds to cover the entire cost of a new ambulance.

Jedlicka’s motions passed 3-2 with Militello and Supervisor Chris Marsicano opposed. Jedlicka said she believes the motions passed because of the reduced cost to the town. She also said Rescue Squad Chief Larry Lester spoke to the board at its Committee of the Whole meeting and provided more information about why the ambulance was needed.

Lester said ambulances are usually on a 12-year cycle to be replaced and that cycle is based on years, not mileage. Lester said the ambulance that is being replaced was due to be replaced three years ago, but the Rescue Squad couldn’t pay for it, and the town did not have the money to pay for it either.

Lester said a new ambulance was in the town’s budget last year but was deleted. Lester said the Rescue Squad has had some recent battery problems with the ambulance that will be replaced. The new ambulance will be from the same company, Horton, meaning all the equipment from the old ambulance can be transferred over.

Marsicano said he opposed the purchase because it was not proven to him the ambulance needs to be replaced at this time due to the relatively low mileage it has. He also said participation on the Rescue Squad has fallen in recent years calling into question whether the ambulance is needed. Marsicano said he favored planning for a future purchase.

Celebration of Freedom

Marsicano recognized and gave awards to the sponsors of the Celebration of Freedom event that took place at Community Park in June. A traveling replica Vietnam Memorial Wall was part of the display honoring war veterans.

Marsicano said the Celebration of Freedom was a great asset for the community and it could not have been done without the help of the sponsors. More than 3,500 people came through the exhibit.

Major sponsors who were recognized for donating $1,000 included Laura Patterson of BMO/Harris Bank, Al Buchholz of Brookwood Systems, Jackie Busch of the Delavan-Delavan Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, John Pauli of CJW Distributors, Bob Burton of Southern Lakes Masonic Lodge No. 12, Town Board Chairman Ryan Simons, the City of Delavan, the Walworth County Tavern League and Tavern League of Wisconsin, and the Dancing Horses Animal Garden.

Gold sponsors recognized for donating $500 were Steve Schoff of Schoff & Associates, Brenda Warrenberg of Comfort Suites, Dan Pyfer of SCI Media, Dave Block of the Friends of the Phoenix Bandshell, Raven DeLange of WCVB, Advance Printing, Austin Studio, Central Printing, Delavan Lions Club, Lake Area Rental, Lowe’s, Mercy Health System, Pentair, Scott Thomas Entertainment & Y Drive Limo, and WLKG.

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