
News from the Whitewater area


Winter Solstice walk

      About 30 adults and 20 children participate in an adventurous hike at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Nature Preserve to celebrate the 2015 Winter Solstice Dec. 22, marking the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The event, led by Liesl Schultz Hying (in front on […]


City to seek accreditation

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Whitewater officials are hoping to put a number of developments, including the Technology Park, on the map by taking part in a state-initiated certification program. The Community Development Authority on Dec. 17 voted to go through the steps of seeking accreditation through the Wisconsin Economic Development […]


Take a team to Trivia Night

      The UW-W/Community and Student Optimist Club’s 3rd Annual Trivia Night is set for Feb. 19. There is a limit of 32 teams and some have already registered so interested parties are encouraged to register soon. (Submitted photo) The event features 10 rounds of fun trivia, numerous items […]


Palmyra fire chief fired by commission

Hearing examiner’s recommendation leads to unanimous vote By Heather Ruenz Editor The Village of Palmyra Police and Fire Commission has fired Palmyra Fire Chief James (Marshall) Lewis after considering testimony from a November hearing on administrative charges against Lewis. The commission, according to Village Attorney Stan Riffle, voted unanimously Dec. […]


16th chancellor confers degrees for first time

844 students get degrees at UW-W winter commencement By Tom Ganser Correspondent The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater winter commencement Dec. 19 was not only a beginning for 782 students who received bachelor’s degrees and 62 students who got graduate degrees but also for Chancellor Beverly Kopper. Kopper conferred degrees for a […]


Girl scout going for the gold

Donations, additional sponsors needed for food packaging event By Heather Ruenz editor “In a world that produces more than enough food to feed everyone on the planet, why are millions of people going hungry? Sharing is caring and together we can make a bigger impact,” Morgan Radaj wrote on the […]


CDA may alter the scope of TIF District

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A few tweaks could be in store for one of Whitewater’s five active tax-incremental financing, or TIF, districts. The city’s Community Development Authority on Dec. 17 discussed altering the scope of TIF District No. 5, which was established in 2007 and has an anticipated sunset of […]


Balancing act

      This hawk lives in the Kettle Moraine Forest southeast of Whitewater. Last weekend he landed on a branch with both legs, fluffed his feathers up and then tucked his left leg up into the feathers of his breast. He stayed that way for some time, showing off […]