Remodel to provide emergency personnel with sleeping quarters By Dave Fidlin Correspondent The City of Whitewater’s strengthened relationship with the long-independent fire and rescue department will soon have a tangible effect. The Common Council on Nov. 17 approved conceptual plans to remodel a portion of the existing municipal building to accommodate […]
News from the Whitewater area
Drink up: Studio 84 hosting Red Cup Challenge
By Heather Ruenz Editor It’s a way to offer “a new higher purpose for coffee cups,” Deb Blackwell, director of Studio 84 in Whitewater, said. The idea is in response to “concerns over a certain company’s unadorned red holiday coffee cups. Here at Studio 84 we decided to do something […]
Palmyra bank to merge with First Citizens
Palmyra State Bank recently announced it has agreed to merge with First Citizens State Bank in Whitewater. With a more than 30-year affiliation with First Citizens, Palmyra State Bank President Mike Mikkelsen along with the Board of Directors made the announcement and said the bank will become First Citizens State […]
Levy approved with 1.5 percent increase
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After months of discussion, Whitewater officials have minted the city’s 2016 operating budget, which reflects in a 1.5-percent increase in the property tax levy and a 3.12-percent increase in the overall operating budget. Compared to prior years — when the city’s participation in Janesville’s Innovation Express […]
Hanging on
This female cardinal catches her balance in the blustery winds that blow in Sunday following the first snowstorm of the season Nov. 20 and 21 with amounts between 7 and 12 inches reported in southeast Wisconsin. (Bob Mischka photo)
Ambulance for sale by fire and rescue dept.
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Hoping to capture some income from surplus, unneeded inventory, staffers within the Whitewater Fire and Rescue Department have been given the go-ahead to sell an unneeded ambulance. The Common Council on Nov. 3 voted to sell the ambulance on, a state auction website. The ambulance […]
Library selected for Americorps, DPI program
The Whitewater Community Foundation’s Board of Directors recently announced the presentation of $1,000 to Stacey Lunsford, Director of the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library. These monies are matching funds that will be spent toward an Americorps and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Play & Read program. The local library […]
PD promotes two officers to lieutenant
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Two Whitewater patrol officers recently received promotions to lieutenants as part of a larger scale staffing reorganization of the Whitewater Police Department. After meeting behind closed doors to interview an unspecified number of candidates, the Whitewater Police and Fire Commission on Oct. 27 appointed James Elder […]
Church to celebrate ministry of music
On Sunday, Nov. 22, at both the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. worship services, First United Methodist Church, 145 S. Prairie St., Whitewater will celebrate the music ministry of Jim Athas, who has been the church’s organist for 40 years. The worship services will include an organ presentation, arrangements of […]
‘Once Upon a Mattress’ opens tonight at WHS
By Tom Ganser Correspondent When the curtain opens for the Whitewater High School Players production of “Once Upon a Mattress,” tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Whitewater High School Auditorium, the audience will find itself riding back to the Middle Ages as they view a 15th-century stone castle where the […]