
News from throughout Walworth County


Steam bath

      With the air temperature below zero, these Canadian geese take in an early morning steam bath surrounded by frosty plants in the relatively warm, spring-fed waters of Bluff Creek in the Kettle Moraine Forest southeast of Whitewater Monday. (Bob Mischka photo)


Winter Solstice walk

      About 30 adults and 20 children participate in an adventurous hike at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Nature Preserve to celebrate the 2015 Winter Solstice Dec. 22, marking the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The event, led by Liesl Schultz Hying (in front on […]


City to seek accreditation

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Whitewater officials are hoping to put a number of developments, including the Technology Park, on the map by taking part in a state-initiated certification program. The Community Development Authority on Dec. 17 voted to go through the steps of seeking accreditation through the Wisconsin Economic Development […]


New plans for Tasch

Committee reviewing new, potentially better option for city parks By Kellen Olshefski Editor A bit of a change-up from what the committee had previously approved to be sent out for bids, members of the Elkhorn Municipal Services and Utilities Committee took a look at a new option for Elkhorn’s Tasch […]


Take a team to Trivia Night

      The UW-W/Community and Student Optimist Club’s 3rd Annual Trivia Night is set for Feb. 19. There is a limit of 32 teams and some have already registered so interested parties are encouraged to register soon. (Submitted photo) The event features 10 rounds of fun trivia, numerous items […]