
News from the Elkhorn area


Working (and playing) at the car wash

Members of the Elkhorn Area High School Community Impact Club, a new community service club at the school this year, work (and play) at a car wash May 13 to raise money for Agape House. The students rotated between working and holding signs near the school’s entrance and downtown. Shown […]


Special dedication

Frank Eames, the former third generation owner of the Elkhorn Independent newspaper, speaks to guests, including his wife, Pat, daughter, Sandy Bleser, Doris Reinke, Marian Cleary, Earl Hodek and Marlene Hoag, at the May 13 dedication of a room at Heritage Hall bearing the paper’s name. (Heather Ruenz photo)


Local boating safety courses offered

Successful completion of a boating safety course accepted by the Wisconsin DNR is required for anyone born on or after January 1, 1989 (and at least 12 years of age) who wishes to operate a personal watercraft (PWC, which includes jet-skis, wave-runners etc.) or wishes to operate a motorized boat […]


Committee recommends $650,000 in projects

By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn Municipal Services and Utilities Committee opted in favor of recommending the City Council vote in favor of approving a $650,000 funding level for 2017 street maintenance projects at its meeting May 8. Previously, City Finance Director James Heilman had been directed to […]


Elkhorn police investigate suspicious fires

The Elkhorn Police Department is currently investigating several suspicious fires within the city. Over the past two months the police and fire departments have responded to suspicious fires at the following locations, according to a press release from the Elkhorn Police Department: 1 W. Walworth St. for a dumpster fire […]