St. John’s Church, 104 S. Broad St., Elkhorn, will offer Vacation Bible School July 10 through 14 for kids 4 years old up to those who have completed sixth grade. The evening program will begin with a free family dinner from 5:30 to 6 p.m. followed by a lesson, songs, […]
News from the Elkhorn area
Special guests
Top: Members of the Marine Corps League participate in Elkhorn’s Star Spangled Celebration, Friday, at Sunset Park while Tyler Bidlack (right) helps out at the FFA food stand. The event included a performance by the Holton Band, a variety of food and treats from local vendors, kids activities and fireworks. (Dave […]
A ‘Klassic’ time
Top: Sage Babcock (from the left), Kade Vance and Delores Billings volunteer at this year’s Kade’s Klassic, held June 25 at Evergreen Golf Club. The fundraiser is named after Vance and now includes the Sue Babcock Memorial Run/Walk. Sage and Delores are Sue’s daughter and mother, respectively. Above: Emmett Babcock, […]
Fun run
United Way of Walworth County hosted a 5K run/walk and 1-mile fun run at Babe Mann Park June 17. Above: Ava Johnson and Zach Johnson have fun competing. Right: Jean Henderson and Joan Davis run to the finish line as a team. This year’s theme is “be the change” and […]
Elks host open house
At an open house event June 25 at the recreation center in Sunset Park, Elks Lodge representatives share information in an effort to generate interest in the plan to reopen the recently closed Walworth Lakeland Elks Lodge under the new name, Elkhorn Elks Lodge #2201. Top: Elks representatives stand by […]
Special celebration
Terra Yard Creations, on Highway 67 south of Elkhorn, celebrated its one-year anniversary June 17 with free, grilled food, beverages, music and kids activities. The Elkhorn store is owned by Ryan and Jen Hanson and features a variety of items for yards and gardens including birdbaths and whimsical décor. (Penny […]
Market Street won’t extend to fairgrounds
By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent In a special meeting Monday night, the City of Elkhorn Common Council voted against including an extension from the future East Market Street into the Walworth County Fairgrounds as a part of the project after learning the Fair Board had little interest in the new entrance. […]
Embracing and promoting the arts
Elkhorn Arts Foundation aims to shine spotlight on talent By Heather Ruenz SLN staff The Elkhorn Arts Foundation, though still in the early stages as an organization, is taking off and garnering a wealth of community support in the process. “We had out first board meeting in September and did […]
On the street
Elkhorn Area Fire Department members (not in order) Will Kostock, Kurt Spotz, Sr., Kyle Smith, Ed Bogard, Andy Beckman, Jeff Liner and Jason Unglaub, greet guests at the annual Firefighters Street Dance June 17. (Heather Ruenz photo)
‘Super Ryan’ chosen for Kade’s Klassic
Boy with chromosome abnormality showing improvement By Heather Ruenz SLN staff Ryan Mayfield, 8, of Elkhorn, was born six weeks prematurely on Sept. 30, 2008, and immediately proved to be a fighter. He was sent home from the neonatal ICU after six weeks and was able to breath and sleep […]