
News from the Delavan area


The community event that kept on giving

Turkey dinner giveaway in Delavan turns into so much more Sometimes it’s the simple ideas that grow into the biggest events and that’s precisely what happened in Delavan early last week. Rafael Hernandez wanted to find a way to help people during this trying time. “We are experiencing very challenging […]


Town of Delavan PD becomes dementia friendly

The Dementia Friendly Community Initiative of Walworth County recently announced the Town of Delavan Police Department has been awarded the Purple Angel for completing the training program for first responders. The training is an extensive course on how best to interact with those individuals with Alzheimer’s as well as their […]


On a mask-making mission

Couple has made and donated 500 masks thus far By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer A few weeks ago, Kim Marden saw a piece on Good Morning, America about a shortage and need for facemasks due to the ever-growing Coronavirus pandemic. That day, she and her husband, Mike, began making masks. […]


Show of solidarity

      In a show of solidarity, fire departments and rescue personnel across the nation opened up their doors and turned on vehicle lights including the City of Delavan Fire Department. The event, which took place the evening of March 25, was to show residents that emergency personnel are ready at […]