Author: Heather Ruenz


Choice of colors

Eric Lemke gets guidance and encouragement from Maggie Schultz, a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student who volunteers at Studio 84. Jamie Scharf (below) holds up the sunflower painting he recently completed at the studio. (Heather Ruenz photos) Studio 84 enhances creativity by encouraging students to make decisions By Heather Ruenz Editor […]


Studio 8Tee Fore Benefit

Being a good golfer or an artist are not required to take part in an upcoming golf scramble that will support Studio 84 and the programs it offers for people with disabilities and area youth. The 8-hole golf scramble will be held Saturday, June 28 at the Whitewater Country Club […]


Here we go

The mix of emotions is visible on the faces – and in the hand gestures of Whitewater High School Class of 2014 graduates as they line up in the hallway prior to entering the gymnasium June 8. (Tom Ganser photo)


Parking summit approved

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With a newly minted zoning code on its books, Whitewater officials are turning their attention toward a related issue that has frequently caused rumblings throughout the community. The Common Council on June 3 gave City Manager Cameron Clapper and other municipal leaders the green light to […]


Special appearance slated

The Figureheads, Dave Olson (from the left), Jeremy Bryan and Greg Marshall have won awards for their music and book, “You Come Too: A step toward inclusion for teachers and parents,” will be appearing at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W. Center St., Whitewater, Friday, June 13 at […]


Rotarians get update on recreation programs

By Tom Ganser Correspondent Matt Amundson, Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Whitewater, and Michelle Dujardin, Recreation and Events Programmer, presented Whitewater Rotarians with an update about several on-going projects at their meeting on May 27. Amundson began by comparing the dramatic increase between 2007 and 2013 […]


Whitewater entrepreneur receives Ideadvance grant

The University of Wisconsin-Extension and its partners have selected Dan McGuire, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Art Professor and Whitewater Incubation Program Fellow, among 12 UW faculty, staff, students and affiliated companies to receive up to $25,000 each through the Ideadvance Seed Fund. “Innovative Foundry Technologies Inc. is a new business startup […]