Author: Heather Ruenz

Whitewater area

On a roll

The Whitewater LSM Chiropractic team continues its winning ways, sitting on a 7-0 record thus far this season. James Dedrick (top) pitches in the June 2 game against Fort Atkinson while Sam Meyer (above) successfully bunts for a base hit in the game. The team plays in the FMW (Fort […]


Support system, teamwork keys to success

Local entrepreneur shares experience By Adam Knoll Correspondent Scott Gittrich, the founder of Toppers Pizza, located in Whitewater, has been a busy guy the past couple of months – speaking at two big events in an effort to give back and share his experiences with other small businesses and franchise […]


Win big money in cash raffle fundraiser

Downtown Whitewater, in its continued efforts to revitalize the downtown area, is holding its second case raffle fundraiser with prizes of $1,000, $750 and $500 to some lucky winners. The raffle tickets are $50 each with only 200 available, increasing the odds of winning. The drawing will be held Tuesday, […]

Whitewater area

Play ball

Bailey Meyer (top), takes over pitching for the Whitewater Jr. Legion team in the later innings during last week’s 13-3 loss to Palmyra. Despite doing well on the mound, the offense was unable to recover from the deficit. Tyler Niemuth (above), the Palmyra catcher and the home-plate umpire watch a […]


State grant helps city support new businesses

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent For the second time in the past year-and-a-half, a state agency is providing Whitewater officials with grant dollars that will go toward a program aimed at fostering start-up businesses. During a celebratory event June 6, Reed Hall, secretary and CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, […]


Flood-prone area under review

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent An outside consultant has been enlisted to review Whitewater’s sanitary sewer drainage system in a flood-prone area. The Common Council on June 3 voted to approve a task order that calls on Strand Associates to review the existing infrastructure along Woodland Drive. The company recently completed […]


Fishing derby brings out nearly 50 anglers

Last Saturday, in conjunction with Wisconsin’s free fishing day, nearly 50 young fisherman – or those set on learning more about the sport – participated in a local event in Whitewater. Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club, the June 7 Fishing Derby was held from 9 a.m. to […]