With the light snowfall over the weekend, the Elkhorn Area Chamber of Commerce celebrated the novelty of snow on the ground, and what it meant for its Feb. 4 Snolf fundraiser.
“We might actually have snow,” said Kate Abbe, the partner engagement and marketing coordinator for the chamber. “Wouldn’t that be something?”
All joking, the event – scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 4, at Evergreen Golf Club, from noon to 4 p.m. – will go on, snow or no snow.
“A lot of people have asked, ‘what happens if there isn’t snow?’” Abbe explained. “I say, ‘then we’ll play wolf – winter golf.’
“There’s going to be a lot more running involved,” she added. “We’re going to play regardless, but it looks like winter will be our friend.”
It’s the third year of the event. The Elkhorn chamber decided to try snolf after observing it in another community.
“It just seemed like a great option,” Abbe said, adding that the chamber partners with Evergreen for other events and activities.
“It’d just be a great new winter activity – plus it’s fun for all ages,” she said. “If you can swing a club, you can play snolf.”
The chamber takes open space at Evergreen and creates three “holes,” which teams get to play with golf clubs and tennis balls. Teams of four, for a cost of $100, play three circuits of the three “holes.”
The snow helps keep the tennis balls within the confines of the “holes” – an advantage that will go away if the grounds clear up before the Feb. 4 event.
Lunch will be served from noon to 3 p.m. If people want to attend just for lunch, the cost is $10.
A freeze date – if temperatures are too cold to play – is set for Feb. 11.
So far, Abbe said there are about eight to nine teams registered for the event, about what there was last year. There is room for more.
To register for the event, go to business.elkhornchamber.com/ and click on “Winter Snolf.”