Pool girls nab fifth

Elkhorn Area High School’s Paige Murphy competes in the 200 freestyle in recent action.
Elkhorn Area High School’s Paige Murphy competes in the 200 freestyle in recent action.

By Chris Bennett


The Elkhorn Area High School girls swim team finished second in three relays and came in fifth Oct. 17 in the Cougar Relays at Janesville Craig High School.

The Elks competed Tuesday at home in a Southern Lakes Conference dual meet against Jefferson/Cambridge. Elkhorn competes Saturday at Delavan-Darien in the Southern Lakes Conference swim meet.

The Elks’ Paige Murphy, Avonlea Odling, Gabby Pinnow and Audrey Earle finished second in the 200-yard medley relay in 2 minutes, 5.36 seconds and Pinnow, Rachel Larson, Murphy and Sarah Broga finished second in the 400 medley relay (4:39.20).

“They all just swam really solid times, and they came together as a team, which was good to see,” Elks coach Jamie Richardson said of the 400 medley relay.

Amanda Papenfus, Emily Kruse, Josie Longhorn and Broga finished second in the 400 free relay (4:10.90). Longhorn, Kruse and Papenfu finished with season-best splits.

“They really went out and performed well, so that was good to see,” Richardson said.

Pinnow, Larson, Murphy and Broga finished third in the 200 freestyle class relay (1:50.59). Murphy finished with her best splits of the season and dropped .41 seconds, which Richardson said is a lot in the 50.

Pinnow, Cailin Jacobs and Murphy finished third in the 300 backstroke relay (3:28.93). Richardson said the Elks finished with 30 personal best times at the Cougar Relays.

“I think we did the best we could,” Richardson said. “We came out and got our best times. We’re here to improve our times, and they did well.”

Milton won the Cougar Relays with a team total of 292 points. Elkhorn scored 224 points.

The Elks routed Delavan-Darien 140-28 Oct. 15 at home in a Southern Lakes Conference meet.

“We won every single event,” Richardson said. “It was good to see some different kids win events.”

Jacobs and Schopf each finished with their first0-ever individual varsity wins in the meet, Richardson said.

“Some of our kids tried different races,” Richardson said. “I put some of them competing against each other, just to race against each other and make out own competition.”

Larson dropped 1 minute, 40 seconds, Broga dropped 55.12 seconds and Earle dropped 37.41 seconds in the 500.

Broga won the event (5:28.19), Earle finished second (5:29.07) and Larson third (5:41.37).

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