Tennis girls sweep singles

By Chris Bennett


The Elkhorn Area High School girls tennis team swept the singles flights and beat Whitnall 6-1 Sept. 12 in a non-conference dual meet at home.

At No. 1 singles the Elks’ Gabrielle Richardson beat Whitnall’s Laura Dirk 6-1, 6-0.

Elkhorn’s Lindsey Gee, at No. 2 singles, beat Kylie Sidler 6-0, 6-1. At No. 3 singles the Elks’ Sydney Roe beat Kerri Hauenstein 6-2, 6-0

Elkhorn’s Mikaila Jacob beat Whitnall’s Karolina Karaban 7-5, 6-3 at No. 4 singles.

The Elks’ Eireann Murphy and Carolyn Griswold won 6-2, 6-2 versus Whitnall’s Amanda Doerr and Sarah Czerwinski at No. 2 doubles, and Jen Fromholz and Madie Keiser beat Whitnall’s Megan Tondryk and Kelsey Hauenstein 6-0, 7-5.

“My second and third doubles stepped up, with both playing a higher position than normal and playing very well,” Elks coach Grant Paisley said.

The one match the Elks lost in the dual match was tight. Hailey Wang and Rachel Drettwan lost 6-4, 7-6 (10-4) to Whitnall’s Jessica Prom and Kaylie Kopp.

The Elks lost 7-0 to the Broncos Sept. 10 in a Southern Lakes Conference match at Union Grove.

Elkhorn plays Westosha Central today in a SLC match at Westosha Central High School in Salem. The Elks play Sept. 21 in a SLC match at defending conference champion Burlington.


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