Tennis girls drop two duals

By Chris Bennett


The Elkhorn Area High School girls tennis team lost several close, tough matches in a 5-2 Southern Lakes Conference dual meet defeat Sept. 3 at Waterford.

Elkhorn played Union Grove Thursday in a SLC dual meet at home, and plays host Saturday to a non-conference quadrangular meet.

At No. 3 singles, Elkhorn’s Sydney Roe beat Waterford’s Mai Thianjan. Roe dropped the first set 6-3 before the winning the second set 6-3 and the third set 6-1.

“Sydney Roe had a big win at No. 3 singles after losing the first set and coming back to win the next two,” Elks coach Grant Paisley said. “She competed very well and worked super hard. Mikaila Jacob has a convincing win at 4 singles.”

Jacob beat Nyah Kohler 6-3, 6-2.

At No. 1 singles, Elkhorn’s Gabrielle Richardson beat Sammy Soeder 6-3 in the first set before losing the next two sets 6-2, 6-1.

Elkhorn’s Lindsay Gee, playing at No. 2 singles, won her first set 6-2 against Reebee Ratkowski before Ratkowski won the second set 6-2 and third set 6-1.

Elkhorn’s No. 3 doubles team of Eireann Murphy and Carolyn Griswold beat Bre Peternell and Veronica Tenhagen 6-3 in the first set before losing the second set 6-2 and the third set 6-4.

“Overall a tough loss that I feel we could have won,” Paisley said.

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