By Vanessa Lenz SLN staff A growing East Troy-based manufacturing company will get the opportunity to expand its product line with the help of an initiative designed to encourage economic development. Further assistance can be sought through the use of Concept Testing before launch as well, but first, they need […]
Sports & Other News
‘A week in transition’
Locally-rooted Badger discusses big changes for Wisconsin By Dan Truttschel Correspondent It’s safe to say the first three weeks of the 2012 season have been filled with change and transition for the Wisconsin football team. And former Big Foot star Travis Frederick has found himself right in the middle of […]
Audubon to host talk on birds of Ecuador
Emily Lind, U.S. Administrator, Ceiba Foundation for Tropical Conservation, will give a presentation on the birds of Ecuador at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 25, at the Lions Field House in Williams Bay. Lind was an International Wildlife Ecology student at University of Wisconsin-Madison who fell in love with birds […]
Five finalists for city manager to speak at forum
The final candidates for Whitewater’s city manager position will meet residents and answer questions during a public forum on Friday. The Whitewater Common Council whittled down the applicants to five during a meeting Sept. 11. The council reviewed 12 applications for the position with their recruitment consultant, Dr. Karl Nollenberger […]
Trojans deliver game-winning fireworks against Eagles
By Dan Truttschel Correspondent The fans who paid to see the Jefferson-East Troy football game Friday night certainly got their money’s worth. But for the fans from East Troy, the chance to see their team come together for the huge-early season victory from their own stands was priceless. East Troy […]
East Troy man wins plane in sweepstakes
By Vanessa Lenz SLN Staff Last week East Troy’s Jeff Parnau learned he was the winner of not your everyday prize package. Parnau said he was shocked when he received a call from the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Win the Cub Sweepstakes chairman Tim Casserly Sept. 10 to notify him he […]
Warhawks remain steadfast despite first loss in 46 games
By Chris Bennett Correspondent The recent loss by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater football team demands historical perspective. The last time the Warhawks lost a football game President Barack Obama was yet to be inaugurated and most of the players on the current roster were likely still in high school. That’s […]
Artists to create 18 murals in Delavan
By Vicky Wedig SLN Staff The City of Delavan is ready to paint the town – literally –in 2015. The Walldogs – a group of artists who paint murals on buildings – plan to create 18 paintings in Delavan. For the past two decades, the Walldogs have created locally significant […]
Public art auction set for Sept. 22
Fifty one-of-a-kind banners that have graced downtown Whitewater all summer long will be sold during the Whitewater Arts Alliance’s annual auction fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Cultural Arts Center. The auction will begin at 5 p.m. The doors open at 4 p.m. during which attendees can view all […]
Elks find positives in loss to Waterford
By Chris Bennett Correspondent It might be a stretch to say Elkhorn Area High School football coach Tom Lee is pleased after his team’s 20-13 loss Friday in a Southern Lakes Conference game against the Wolverines at Waterford. But this much is certain – Lee took heart of the Elks’ […]