Sean Ahler will attend the University of Texas at Dallas in the fall By Chris Bennett Correspondent Elkhorn Area High School’s Sean Ahler is in rarified academic air. The now graduated senior recently learned he earned National Merit Scholarship Finalist honors and said he wasn’t completely surprised by it. “They […]
Sports & Other News
District to determine fall instruction plan by Aug. 1
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Whitewater Unified School District officials will be spending the warm-weathered months exploring a number of different options for classroom instruction this fall in response to COVID-19 precautions. Several of the district’s top staffers discussed with the School Board some of the possible options that could be […]
Milk prices slowly improve
Local farmer sees promising future for industry By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Last fall and even into winter, milk prices looked promising but when the coronavirus hit, the bottom fell out, according to one local dairy farmer. “We felt good about where we were headed (but) once the milk price […]
School Board approves hosting fireworks
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Delavan-Darien School Board last week approved allowing the City of Delavan to host its July 4 fireworks show at the high school. The General Operations Committee – which had been waiting on the school board’s June 8 decision – so approved it the next day. […]
Wait for me, Mom!
Late the morning of June 13, this Whitetail deer crosses Springfield Road with its young fawn following behind. Just prior to the picture being taken, the baby had been feeding off its mother along the side of the road, which is in Geneva Township between Lake Geneva and Elkhorn. (Heather […]
DLIA to host virtual Spring Fling
The Delavan Lake Improvement Association will host its annual Spring Fling virtually this year on Thursday, June 25 at 6 p.m. with login beginning at 5:30 p.m. that night. “To make sure we keep everyone safe, this year our event will be virtual. We may not be in the same […]
A new kind of celebration
Whitewater High School Principal Mike Lovenberg (left) bumps elbows with graduate Broderick Frye before handing him his diploma June 6 during the graduation event. See more photos in the June 18 Whitewater Register. (Tom Ganser photo)
Rotary to host 15th annual fundraiser
Golf outing, dinner supports local scholarships The Geneva Lake West Rotary Club recently announced it’s gearing up to host its 15th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing and Dinner Fundraiser. The event will be held Thursday, Sept. 17, at Abby Springs Golf Course. Registration will start at 11 a.m. that day. Lunch […]
Sparsely attended
New town hall open house attracts few residents By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The Town of East Troy hosted an open house June 11 to give the residents the chance to learn more about the proposed town hall and ask questions and not many people showed up. Town of East […]
Scout builds ball pit at elementary school
It’s one of Ben Harvey’s Eagle Scout requirements West Side Elementary recently had a gaga ball pit added to its playground, thanks to the ingenuity and efforts of a local scout. Ben Harvey, a Life Scout with local Boy Scout Troop 243 built the gag ball pit as one of […]