Sports & Other News

Lake Geneva area

Helping out

More than 20 members from Trinity Church recently helped a Town of Bloomfield senior citizen, Gerri Dilloo (back row, center left), clean up her yard. Trinity Church is at W775 Geranium Rd., Genoa City. For more information, visit or follow the church on Facebook. (Submitted photo)  


Fire/EMS referendum under consideration

It would serve the Darien, Sharon and Walworth communities By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent A presentation last week offered details about a proposed joint Fire/EMS contracted service agreement with five other municipalities that could provide each with better more reliable service. It was presented at the June 15 Darien Village […]


BREAKING: Crews on scene of fire

Multiple departments are currently on the scene of a structure fire in the Sunset Meadows complex on Faryl Avenue in the City of Delavan. It appears as if multiple units within the 714 building have been damaged. The cause of the fire, which began earlier this morning, is unknown at […]