Sports & Other News


Saturday stop

Saturdays on the Square in Elkhorn is open 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturdays. It features a variety of vendors from local crafters and artisans to food and community groups and sometimes, live entertainment. Extra space is being provided to ensure proper social distancing for vendors and shoppers. Follow the […]


Pork chop pickup

The 52nd Annual Walworth County Fair Pork Chop Cookout on June 24 was carryout only, featuring three lines of vehicles making their way through the fairgrounds. Inside the building was quite the production process to keep up. Many hungry supporters purchased tickets in advance online and the remaining tickets sold […]


Grocer search among tasks on agenda

Whitewater’s new economic director provided CDA with list of goals By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Nearly five years have passed since Whitewater’s sole full-service grocer closed up shop. The absence of a business within the category dominated a recent discussion with the city’s newly hired economic development director. Cathy Anderson, who […]


Special memorial

A couple of years ago, Bonnie Hawkins, a former resident of Harvest Pointe Condos in Elkhorn, came up with the idea of the complex having a Little Free Library. She passed away before it could happen but the condo association recently purchased the library and resident Dick Zubrod installed it. […]