Sports & Other News


Masks supported but not mandated

Dept. of Health and Human Services reiterates recommendation By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent **NOTE: This story includes a discussion from last week’s county HHS meeting. This week Gov. Tony Evers issued an order requiring masks throughout the state. However, we feel it’s important nonetheless to share what was discussed at last […]


Keeping it real

Police officer to serve as honorary cancer survivor By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Lina Edwardson said she never thought she’d hear the words: You have cancer. But she did hear those words, less than a year after a clear scan as part of an annual exam. “To hear those actual […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Showing support

The July 18 pig roast dinner and silent auction benefit and fundraiser for Mark Voltz, of Linn, held at the Walworth County Fairgrounds, drew a great amount of support. Voltz sustained a brain injury in December and is now home with round-the-clock care as he continues to make progress. From […]


Isolation, abuse grow amid coronavirus

Investigator says mandated separation has drawbacks for elderly By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer When one hears the word abuse, it typically conjures thoughts of someone being beaten physically. That notion can be even tougher to imagine when it involves those who are particularly vulnerable, in this case the elderly. Though […]