Sports & Other News


Picknell wins sheriff’s primary

Barring unforeseen circumstances Walworth County Undersheriff Kurt Picknell will be the next sheriff of Walworth County, according preliminary primary election returns posted Tuesday night. The unofficial totals posted by the Walworth County Clerk’s office Tuesday night have Picknell beating Deputy Ken Brauer, 5,000 to 1,689 with all 41 precincts reporting. […]


Deputy, undersheriff compete for department’s top post

Democratic write-in might challenge winner of primary By Kellen Olshefski Editor       Walworth County Sheriff’s Deputy Ken Brauer and Undersheriff Kurt Picknell are gearing up for Tuesday’s showdown in the Republican primary for the soon-to-be vacant Walworth County sheriff’s seat.       David Graves is retiring from the position after serving […]


City to aid library in façade repairs

By Kellen Olshefski Editor       Elkhorn’s Common Council voted Monday night in favor of splitting the cost of emergency repairs to Matheson Memorial Library’s facade.       The needed repair was brought before the city’s Municipal Services and Utilities Committee meeting last night, at which time Public Works Manager Martin Nuss […]