By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Village Board approved putting two large projects out for bid at its Oct. 19 meeting. The board voted to move forward with the Village Square improvement plan, slated to be done next year in conjunction with Walworth County Highway ES resurfacing. The […]
Sports & Other News
County looks to hire public health nurse
COVID-19 tracing practices also addressed By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent Walworth County’s Health and Human Services Committee members voted in favor of a resolution last week that seeks to authorize the creation of a public health nurse position at Health and Human Services. At the Oct. 21 committee meeting, Walworth County […]
City of Delavan looks to add new TID
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Delavan Common Council approved a step toward creating a new tax incremental district in the city last week. The new district, called TID No. 6, would overlay portions of the existing TID No. 4. Administrator Denise Pieroni said at the Oct. 20 meeting, the […]
Trojan sports roundup
Runners compete at state, Depuydt takes 14th By Dan Truttschel Correspondent In a season cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic, East Troy High School senior Austin Depuydt made the most of what he was given. Competing at Saturday’s WIAA Division 2 State Cross Country Meet at Colby High School, Depuydt […]
White River Recreational Trail extension planned
Officials say project will be boon for entire area A proposed $500,000 investment by Racine County would, if approved, provide the push needed to extend the White River Recreational Trail 11 miles to the east and further spur the development of a regional trail network dubbed the Route of the […]
Building and growing future leaders
Whitewater Middle School Builders Club officially chartered By Tom Ganser Correspondent The Whitewater Middle School Builders Club, part of Kiwanis International, has grown in popularity while grooming future leaders. The WMS Builders Club, which started last fall, went from five to 45 members and was officially chartered during an Oct. […]
Grant surveys Whitewater residents for promo campaign
A survey funded by a new grant award will collect the experience of living and working in Whitewater and help boost local marketing efforts. The survey will inform a promotional campaign to help the city compete for and attract residents, visitors and businesses, and enhance revenue for existing businesses as […]
Lakefront fall fest
People gather at Community Park last Saturday for the Delavan Oktoberfest event, which featured vendors, music, dancing, games and food including German offerings. This very tall pumpkin was making its way around the festival, spreading fall cheer – and maybe a little fear – to guests. See more photos in […]
Sharon school closes as preventive measure
Decision based on rate of spread, increase in staff quarantines By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer The Sharon Community School Board recently decided to close for two weeks, based on recent framework provided by Walworth County officials – and in an effort to avoid what Sara Andrus, Sharon district administrator, described […]
Appointed Register of Deeds faces challenger
By Tracy Ouellette Staff Writer The Walworth County Register of Deeds, Cairie Virrueta, is being challenged by Michele Jacobs in Tuesday’s election. Gov. Tony Evers appointed Virrueta, then the Elkhorn city clerk, to the position in March after Donna Pruess resigned. Jacobs is a legal assistant with the Walworth County […]