Bingo doesn’t have to be played indoors. With the COVID-19 pandemic, which has seen indoor attendance restrictions, dozens of people found a way to play Bingo outdoors Feb. 20 in the Big Foot Union High School parking lot. Parking Lot Bingo, sponsored by Big Foot Union High School, Main Street […]
Sports & Other News
Proposed smoking, vaping ordinance advances
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A first-blush reading of an ordinance prohibiting smoking and vaping near playground and skate park equipment within Whitewater green spaces has advanced after a recent narrow vote in support of the plan. The Whitewater Common Council on March 2 voted, 4-3, in support of advancing the […]
Delavan council recognizes Bradley’s, wrestlers
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Common Council recognized Bradley’s Department Store and the Delavan-Darien High School wrestling team at its meeting on Feb. 23. Mayor Ryan Schroeder honored Bradley’s with a Mayoral Proclamation recognizing the store for serving the Delavan community for 169 years. The store is thought to […]
Association funds training for cops
Police chiefs from throughout county partner to create peer support team The Walworth County Executive Law Enforcement Association recently announced it is providing $3,000 in order to fully fund a first round of training for county law enforcement personnel in peer support. WCELEA is a county law enforcement association comprised […]
The band played on
Though the annual Band O Rama event was canceled this year, that didn’t stop the music, thanks to the Elkhorn Area High School band, which presented a concert last Saturday. Band students were given tickets for their family to attend in person and the concert was live-streamed on the EAHS […]
Kikkoman Foods fire causes interim shutdown
Company officials report no injuries from Tuesday’s blaze By Jason Arndt Staff Writer Representatives of Kikkoman Foods in Walworth did not report any injuries to employees and firefighters from fire in a soy sauce production area Tuesday morning. Dan Miller, vice president of administration at Kikkoman, said in a statement […]
UW-Whitewater to offer new major in legal studies
By Kristine Zaballos Contributor Beginning in fall 2021, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will offer a major tailored to students who have their sights set on law school or careers in legal professions. The new legal studies major, housed in the Department of Political Science, includes coursework on constitutional law, gender […]
Delavan Town Board tables noise ordinance
By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent The Town of Delavan Board tabled a noise ordinance it is considering in response to several complaints about the noise emanating from Cattails Bar and Restaurant on Feb. 16. Ongoing complaints have been coming in from the nearby residential neighborhood for months. During public comments, […]
Whitewater library benefits change sparks discussion
By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A recent tweak in benefits offered to employees within the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library shined a spotlight on governance within the quasi-independent body overseeing the public amenity. The Library Board making policy and budget decisions within Irvin L. Young recently made a motion to provide […]
United We Dance returns for second year
Tickets are limited in an effort to have guests social distance United Way of Walworth County and Toe to Toe Ballet School have announced that for the second year, United We Dance will be returning to Elkhorn. The event – which will feature more than 10 groups – will be […]