Sports & Other News


That’s a wrap

      Area students take the stage for the Whitewater Unified School District’s Summer School Playhouse production of James and the Giant Peach, held at Whitewater High School July 7 through July 9. More than 60 student actors, technical crew junkies and backstage crew members put in long hours […]

Whitewater area

Close win

Members of the Whitewater Legion baseball team get a 3-2 victory over Delavan July 7 in a 10-inning game. Top: Sam Liebbrand tags a runner out at the plate; James Dedrick connects for a hit in the game. (Bob Mischka photo)


Officials review downtown parking options

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent On the heels of Whitewater’s 2-year-old zoning rewrite project, city officials are picking up their red pens and making a series of proposed revisions to an oft-discussed issue in the community: parking. Members of the Plan and Architectural Review Commission on July 11 hashed over a […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Step back in time July 28

Historical Society to have grand opening of museum The grand opening of the historical museum and genealogical reference library of the Historical Society of Walworth and Big Foot Prairie will be at 6:30 p.m. July 28 at 101 Maple Ave., Walworth. The event will begin with a ribbon-cutting, which will […]


Summer sighting

      A hummingbird feeds on a Penstemon plant in the Kettle Moraine Forest near Whitewater recently. Hummingbirds can live for as long as 12 years and generally weigh less than 4 grams, the equivalent to one teaspoon of sugar. One of the main purposes of a hummingbird’s beak […]

East Troy

Village Board takes up zoning issue

By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The East Troy Village Board approved July 18 the rezoning of the property at 2019 Beulah Ave. from light industrial to multi-family residential Monday night, but not without some discussion. Two residents who live near the property spoke in citizen participation saying they were concerned […]

East Troy

Paying more to leave the district

By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff The board also voted July 12 to increase the costs of liquidated damages when teachers leave the district over the summer months. Starting with the 2017-18 teacher contracts, teachers leaving their positions after June 15 will be paying more in damages to the district. If […]