Sports & Other News

Walworth-Fontana area

We serve

Jim Pauly (left) and Bob Madden cut lobsters in preparation for the Big Foot Lion’s Club’s 33rd annual Lobster Boil and Steak Fry July 31 in Fontana’s Reid Park. About 1,800-pounds of lobster were prepared for those who purchased tickets. The annual lobster boil was started in 1983 and the […]


Sights, tastes and sounds of summer

Chamber’s Corn and Brat Roast in downtown Elkhorn By Kellen Olshefski SLN Staff The Elkhorn Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its Corn and Brat Days this weekend in Elkhorn’s Veterans Park on the downtown square. Formerly the Elkhorn Rotary Club’s Festival of Summer, the chamber’s Corn and Brat […]


Hit Maxwell Street Days this weekend

The Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce will host its annual uptown and downtown Maxwell Street Days event Friday and Saturday on Main Street with indoor and sidewalk sales and more. Hours are dependent on each individual store and vendor so shoppers are advised to check with their favorite stores for […]

East Troy

Two skydivers injured in East Troy

By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Two skydivers, diving with Skydive Milwaukee/Sky Knights in East Troy, were injured late Monday afternoon when their parachutes apparently got twisted together during their descent. “We had two skydivers go down at the East Troy Municipal Airport,” Village of East Troy Police Chief Alan Boyes […]

East Troy

Check out who’s new at the library

New director says he’s ‘up for the challenge’ By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff When Jeff Gartman applied for the director position at the East Troy Lions Public Library, he said he was tired of “living the rat race” working in Chicago and community long hours every day from St. Charles, […]


Make a night of it

Whitewater PD joining National Night Out event Aug. 2 in Elkhorn The Whitewater Police Department, in conjunction with the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, is hosting the annual National Night Out celebration on Tuesday, Aug. 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Walworth County Fair Grounds, located at 411 E […]