Sports & Other News


Picture perfect

Carlin Russell, of the Spring Prairie 4-H Club, poses for a photo with her trophies for best in breed polish rabbit and Champion Senior Pet without costume at the Walworth County Fair in Elkhorn last week. The annual fair ran through the Labor Day weekend. (Photo by Tim Gumz)


Ambitious expansion

Toppers Pizza enters aggressive growth phase By Chris Bennett Correspondent The best pizza everyone’s ever tried is pushing closer to the coasts and expanding its reach as a national player in the franchise restaurant business. Toppers Pizza, which is based in Whitewater, will soon establish locations out west in Colorado […]


Officials agree to hold surplus sale

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With hopes set on clearing out the municipal garage and raising a modest amount of cash, Whitewater officials have agreed to hire auctioneers to sell of surplus property. The Common Council on Aug. 16 awarded Ripon-based Auction Associates a contract to sell off old vehicles and […]


Bright chairs (and smiles)

      Volunteers finish painting the adironack chairs used at the Whitewater City Market, from the left: Sarah Linn, Mary Fenzl, Emily Held, Brienne Diebold Brown, Kristine Zaballos and Tami Brodnicki. The market, held Tuesdays from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Cravath Lakefront Park, has been a success in […]

Whitewater area

Whippets shut out Janesville Craig

By Kevin Cunningham Sports Correspondent To open up its 2016 season, the Whitewater High School boys soccer team – who competes in Division 3 – played against Elkhorn, who competes in Division 2. Schools compete in certain divisions based on enrollment, allowing for a more even playing field. Against Elkhorn, […]


Council approves paying for biodigester review

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent After meeting behind closed doors recently, Whitewater’s elected decision-makers have agreed to pay a company for its review of the city’s biodigester facility. The Common Council on Aug. 16 agreed to pay $60,000 to Trane, a La Crosse-based company specializing in heating and air conditioning services […]