Sports & Other News

Lake Geneva Badger

Badgers hold off Comets

By Michael S. Hoey Correspondent Fans might have expected the match-up between Lake Geneva Badger and Delavan-Darien to be a shootout. Instead, Badger was on the ropes until blocking a punt with just over three minutes left and scoring its only touchdown of the game to take the lead and […]


Special event permit fee on hold, for now

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent Hoping to strike a balance between equitably funding municipal operations and accommodating festivals and similar gatherings, Whitewater officials are eyeing a new policy that would require organizers obtain a permit before holding a special event in the community. The Common Council was slated to discuss the […]


County to host suicide prevention walk

Walworth County will host is second Out of the Darkness Walk, a nationwide suicide-prevention event, Oct. 1 at the Walworth County Fairgrounds. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, yet suicide is preventable, according to event organizers. Last year more than 400 people from throughout […]


Artsy fun

      Clockwise from the top: Will (from the left), Charlie and Maggie Jay, along with their dog, Apache, all of Whitewater, take in the sights and sounds at Main Street Festival Sept. 10. Kaelynn, 3, gets her face painted by University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student Taylor McDarison. The event […]

Lake Geneva area

Popeye’s owner released on bond

Lake Geneva restaurateur faces felony charges By Vicky Wedig Editor The owner of Popeye’s restaurant in Lake Geneva was released from jail on a $10,000 signature bond Tuesday after allegedly assaulting an employee Saturday. Charges were pending Tuesday when bond was set for Dimitrius Anagnos, 52, of Lake Geneva, who […]


Routine asphalt work leads to concerns

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A routine, late summer capital improvement project has led to environmental concerns at Cravath Lake and other surrounding natural areas, though city officials say steps have been taken to address the issue. City Manager Cameron Clapper discussed how resurfacing municipal parking lots led to the environmental […]

East Troy

East Troy man killed in motorcycle crash

      A 38-year-old East Troy man is dead after his motorcycle struck a tree Saturday night. According to a press release from the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office, Walter M. Kraayvanger Jr. crashed his red 1999 Kawasaki motorcycle into a tree Pleasant Lake Road just south of Oakwood drive, in the […]


City reviews library parking

Committee not in favor of redesign that would add minimal slots By Kellen Olshefski SLN Staff While parking is at a premium at Matheson Memorial Library, members of the City of Elkhorn Municipal Services and Utilities committee opted against a redesign of the lot last week that not only carried […]