Sports & Other News


Voters approve school referendum

By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer The ballots have been counted and local voters supported both questions relative to an Elkhorn Area School District referendum: $22.9 million for further improvements to the district and an additional $300,000 annually.       The $22.9 million, referred to as question one, is expected to have […]


Republicans ride wave of victory

Vruwink elected to State Assembly District 43 By Ed Nadolski Editor in Chief Consider state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos – a seasoned veteran in the halls of the state capitol and political junkie since grade school ­– among those who were amazed by the results of Tuesday’s election. “It’s a […]


WUSD referendum passes by wide margin

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent More than two-thirds of all residents living within the Whitewater Unified School District’s boundaries backed a referendum asking for $23.5 million toward a series of renovation projects. According to unofficial election results, 6,209 district residents voted “yes” when asked if the district can exceed its spending […]


Republicans see multiple victories in area

Republicans see multiple victories in area By Tracy Ouellette SLN Staff Riding the national wave, local republicans did well at the polls Tuesday. In the 32nd and 33rd State Assembly Districts incumbents Tyler August and Cody Horlacher both held on to their seats by a large margin. August was challenged […]


City, downtown organization inking new agreement

By Dave Fidlin Correspondent City of Whitewater officials are in the midst of drafting a 2017 agreement with Downtown Whitewater Inc., the nonprofit community organization that promotes businesses and other amenities in the heart of the community. Although Downtown Whitewater operates independently, the organization has long had a close working […]