Sports & Other News


Hawk sworn in

UW-Whitewater PD swears in first K-9 officer By Ryan Spoehr Editor The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Police Department has a brand new officer on staff who enjoys investigating. However, this officer is one who is typically on all fours and will do his share of barking. That officer, known as “Hawk,” […]


VIP Services preparing for future changes

‘Building Full Lives’ grant to support community integration By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Taking steps now is a key component to new rules people with disabilities – and the sheltered workshops they’re employed at – will have to comply with in the future. VIP Services began preparing for those changes […]

East Troy area

Girls go 1-1 for the week

By Dan Truttschel Correspondent With a young and improving team, there’s certainly nothing lost by taking on some better competition. And that’s just what the East Troy High School girls squad did Feb. 4 – they didn’t pull out a win, but plenty of lessons were learned along the way. […]

East Troy area

Wrestlers head into post-season

Regional action begins Saturday at Big Foot By Dan Truttschel Correspondent With a young team competing at a big meet usually comes some ups and downs. But what also happens is those inexperienced athletes get a bit more comfortable in their surroundings. And when it comes to the East Troy […]

East Troy

Watch those speed limits

Township police to enforce speed limits on highways The Town of East Troy Police Department is conducting a self-initiated High Visibility Speed Enforcement initiative through Feb. 18. Officers will be paying particular attention to highways ES, J and 20 throughout the township. The goal of traffic enforcement is to change […]


Comets fall to Elks again

By Kevin Cunningham Correspondent Just 10 days prior, Delavan-Darien High School’s boys basketball team played Elkhorn at home and lost, 61-42. The team was at 9-4 overall going into that game, and after the team’s next game it played – which resulted in a loss – the Comets then owned […]