By Mike Ramczyk Correspondent For more than 15 years, the Kade’s Klassic fundraiser has helped people going through a struggle and needing financial assistance as a result of a personal tragedy. It started with Whitewater’s Kade Vance, now 23, who suffered a traumatic brain injury in 2005 as a result […]
Sports & Other News
Zoning district considered for fairgrounds
It doesn’t qualify as a ‘park,’ under the current zoning By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn Common Council is moving toward creating a separate zoning district for the Walworth County Fairgrounds. City Administrator Jim Heilman said at the June 14 council meeting the property is currently zoned as […]
‘I am called Old Glory’
Flag that flew over U.S. Capitol now flies in Delavan By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Linda Zell and Jan Voss, of Delavan, can be determined when they are on a mission for something they believe in. Recently, their efforts focused on a desire to fly an American flag outside of […]
‘People are starting to get excited again’
After a pandemic-filled year, grocery co-op gaining momentum By Dave Fidlin Correspondent While it has yet to officially open its doors, a grassroots, local effort aimed at bringing a quality grocery store to Whitewater through a sustainable business model recently passed a milestone. Last month marked the 4-year anniversary of […]
Better prepared
Earlier this spring, several area fire, rescue and law enforcement departments took part in a training day on Green Lake in the Lauderdale Lakes chain. Crews honed their skills in the water rescue and recovery training to be better prepared for actual emergencies on the water. Departments involved included Lauderdale […]
On the run again
Discover Whitewater Series half marathon, 5K returns The Discover Whitewater Series: Half Marathon and 5K recently announced it will host 600 participants in this year’s race, a 50% increase from last year’s modest event. In coordination with the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, the Whitewater Unified School District, and the City of […]
New build on the way
Habitat in Walworth County to have groundbreaking ceremony Habitat for Humanity in Walworth County will be breaking ground on another home this summer on Aralia Road in Bloomfield. Upon receiving numerous applications, the Family Selection Committee successfully chose a family for the build. Habitat in Walworth County recently announced they […]
Lieutenant retires from Town of Delavan PD
Lt. Scot Stefanczyk, a 32-year veteran of the Town of Delavan Police Department, retired earlier this week. He was hired in August of 1988 as a part-time officer after earning a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, according to a press release from the […]
A walk downtown
Members of Elkhorn Area High School’s Class of 2021 take part in the senior stroll, which features the seniors walking a few blocks downtown while family, staff from local businesses and members of the community come out to cheer them on. The annual walk ends at Friends on the Square […]
WUSD moving forward on turf
Despite higher than expected cost, board votes in favor of project By Dave Fidlin Correspondent A big-ticket capital improvement project will move forward this summer in the Whitewater Unified School District, despite higher than anticipated costs. After a lengthy discussion, the WUSD School Board at a recent special meeting voted, […]