Sports & Other News

Whitewater area

Gymnastics captains recognized

      At the Whitewater High School gymnastics team’s year-end awards banquet, captains were recognized, including, left to right, most valuable player Sydney Treder, most improved player on varsity Autumn Lesar, most dedicated player Katherine Stanizewski and best positive attitude winner Carina Casillas. Not pictured is most improved junior […]

Whitewater area

Recognized for academics

      Whitewater High School wresters who achieved a cumulative grade-point average of 3.1 or greater were recognized by coach John Schimming at the wrestling team’s annual banquet. Students recognized included, left to right, (front) Austin Kaja, Will Leibbrand, Tommy Cushman, Jaden Salmieri, Ernesto Magana, (back) Thomas McManaway, Morgan […]


City to share cost of library landscaping

By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn Finance and Judicial Committee voted in favor of recommending the city split the cost of a landscaping project at Matheson Memorial Library with the library and the library Friends at its Feb. 27 meeting. The committee’s decision to split the cost came […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Big Foot teacher awarded grant

Pat Hollihan, a teacher at Big Foot High School, has received a 2017 Accounting Career Awareness Grant from the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants Educational Foundation, Inc. Teachers who attended the fall 2016 WICPA High School Educators Symposium received the opportunity to write proposals about why they should receive […]