Sports & Other News


Teen gets stuck on pier

Bystander held patient’s head above water until rescuers arrived By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer In what City of Delavan Fire Chief Tim O’Neill described as “one of the more unique calls” he’s responded to, a 14-year-old is reportedly doing well following a freak accident at a pier on Delavan Lake […]


Whitewater loosens alcohol prohibitions

Increase in outdoor events led to officials supporting changes By Dave Fidlin Correspondent With the hopes of making use of such public spaces as the amphitheater, Whitewater officials have given the go-ahead to loosen alcohol prohibitions in public spaces in narrow circumstances. The Common Council on June 15 approved a […]


Starting the day off right

At the Walworth County Dairy Breakfast June 19, guests make their way through the food pickup line. The event also included kids’ tours around the grounds pulled by a tractor; 2021 Walworth County Fairest of the Fair Katelyn Gonzalez welcoming guests; vendors selling a variety of items; and bus rides […]


Elkhorn payment drop box to move

By Kellen Olshefski Correspondent The City of Elkhorn Common Council voted in favor of moving the downtown drop box for utility payments from in front of City Hall to a location outside the library, following the move to the new building next month. When discussing the move of city operations […]