Sports & Other News


Peter Pan will be flying at EAHS

By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer The Elkhorn Area High School encourages members of the greater community to see Peter Pan and join Peter, Wendy, Michael and John in the high-flying adventure that aims to whisk attendees away to a place where dreams are born and no one ever grows up. […]


WSD Academic Bowl team qualifies for nationals

The Wisconsin School for the Deaf Academic Bowl team recently qualified to participate in the 23rd National Gallaudet University Academic Bowl at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. April 12 through 14. The WSD team earned a third-place finish out of 19 teams that participated in the February Midwest Regional Academic […]


Card, games and more

Women’s Club event includes dinner, silent auction and raffles The Elkhorn Women’s Club is gearing up for its annual Card and Game Night, which supports the club’s mission to offer scholarships to local high school students. The Wednesday, April 10 event will be at the Monte Carlo Room, 720 Wisconsin […]