Sports & Other News

Walworth-Fontana area

Special assignment

Historical Society to offer tour of Walworth Elementary The Historical Society of Walworth & Big Foot Prairie, Inc. will host a historical tour of Walworth Elementary School later this month. The tour is set to begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, July 25 and guests should meet at the main entrance […]


Running and walking for a reason

Annual United Way 5K raises more than $10,000 The United Way 5K welcomed 99 participants that ran or walked, ranging in age from 3 to 77. When all was said and done the annual event raised more than $10,000. The overall first place winner was Mark Elworthy, who finished with […]


Celebrating the Fourth!

      The Whitewater Grocery Co-op promotes its plans for a community-owned food store in the city during the Fourth of July parade, one of numerous events to take place in Whitewater over the extended July 4 weekend. See more photos in this week’s Whitewater Register. (Bob Mischka photo)


A ride among the stars

Fundraiser supports the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation By Heather Ruenz SLN Staff It’s not every day that people get a chance to spend time with some stars but that’s precisely what an upcoming fundraiser offers. The Ride for the Kids raises money for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and those […]

Lake Geneva area

Travel Club to meet

The Senior Travel Club of Walworth County’s next meeting will feature Alan Buckholtz, vice president of the Friends of the Phoenix Park Band Shell. Organizers also noted the date change for this month. The meeting will take place Friday, July 12, at Como Community Church, W3901 Palmer Rd. in Lake […]


Laying a new foundation at EAHS

Booster Club hosting a brick fundraiser at outdoor sports complex By Chris Bennett Correspondent The Elkhorn Area High School All-Sports Booster Club is trying to roll out a red carpet – of sorts – at the new outdoor sports complex at the high school. Fundraising recently commenced to help provide […]