Sports & Other News


Hoopin’ with a lot of heart

Former Elks support MACC Fund for all-star game By Heather Ruenz Staff Writer Recent Elkhorn Area High School graduates Luke and Vince Umnus participated in the Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association’s All-Star game. But the two are stars in more ways than one thanks to their efforts and the support of […]


Making it rain

At the July 4 parade in Delavan, members of the Delavan-Darien Dolphins swim team keep onlookers cool with sprays of water. Following the parade downtown, the celebration continued at Phoenix Park with a reenactment and live music. See more photos in the July 11 Delavan Enterprise. (Dave Dresdow photo)


Man charged with stealing ambulance

A Whitewater man is charged with taking and driving an ambulance from the Whitewater Police Department and crashing it while drunk. Andrew Allen Dufek, 21, was charged July 2 in Walworth County Circuit Court with burglary of a building or dwelling and operating a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent. […]

Walworth-Fontana area

Keepin’ cool

Onlookers along the parade route in Sharon on July 4 welcome the cool water being sprayed on them. Hundreds of people lined the streets in the village for the annual parade, followed by a variety of activities at the park. (Photo courtesy Dietrich Studio and Gallery)


Fair seeks outstanding senior applicants

The Walworth County Fairgrounds is seeking applicants in the Walworth County community for its 2019 Walworth County Fair Outstanding Senior Citizen Awards. Every year, Walworth County recognizes five senior citizens for being outstanding within their community. Nominees must be 62 years old by Aug. 28 of this year, Walworth County […]


What a way to start the day

At the Delavan Fire Department’s annual pancake breakfast fundraiser, held the morning of July 4 at the firehouse, Jaime and Rick Burns and their kids, Ben, 8, Sam, 6, and Luke, 4, and Mark Hecht, of Algonquin, Ill., start the day with a meal out supporting local emergency personnel. See […]